The electronics are 99.5% done now, thanks to Chris and the passenger door is nearly re-done for the second time - due to the first one having a rather crooked frame which no amount of bending and twisting could have solved.
The aim over the next few weeks is to hopefully have a subframe for the engine - you never know it might get done before the New Year?! Ha ha ha!
Hi Cheryl
Finally found your website after looking through some of my old msn addy's and found you on one!
Got to say I'm pretty impressed, wish I was half as good at that kinda thing as you are.
I always wanted to get a car and completly restore it but I'm just no good with that kinda thing unforunately
One day when I win the loeery I'll buy one and get someone to do it for me, but the way I want it.
Keep up the good work, its looking great, cant wait to see it on the road
Looking great Cheryl
Just spent all morning looking through all the posts here, after finding you on one of my old msn addys!
Keep up the good work, cant w8 to see the finished product
I'm very impressed btw, You'd think a professional did the work!
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